Hello world!

Right now I’m putting together the basics of this site so that there’s something in place (rather than just an empty space). More updates and developments will be forthcoming as time goes on.

You can expect to see snippets about the game development process and information about the setting appear here first before we publish it properly but be warned that if it doesn’t make it into the final cut, it isn’t canon.

It’s been a while

Just updated my web server, and it’s set in how long it has been since I did anything on No Heaven. The pandemic didn’t help, with the lockdown happening a mere two weeks after the first (and only) game so far.

Since then, I’ve had no game team to speak of, a mental health collapse, an identity crisis, and a severe deficit of time and money.

But I know there are still people interested in this setting and in playing this game, so I’m not saying there won’t be more to come. It may not be in a larp form, but there may be some form of game material yet to come.

And you never know, one day I might find myself in a position to run larp again.


No Heaven prelude “Ceres” event guide now available

Dark Corridor by Joakim Olafson

It’s taken some time, but the event guide for No Heaven prelude 1: “Ceres” is now available for people to look at. The event guide contains a number of details about the setting which had previously not been specified as well as the details you will need when it comes time to book.

On that note, booking opens Thursday 3rd October at 7pm. Details of how to book will be made available at that time.

If there is something you would like to see added to the guide, or something you think is missing, let us know and we’ll update it or tell you why not.

Download the event guide (PDF)

Image by Joakim Olafson used with permission.

No Heaven prelude 1: Ceres

The Ceres Workers Collective started off as a ramshackle collection of asteroid miners putting together the basics required for semi-permanent living and working in the asteroid belt rather than having long seasons between being able to work. At first, there were some bitter rivalries but the dangers of space largely kept things from going too far. As time went on and nanotech advances made mining easier, the various independent mining groups realised they could get a better price for their resources if they sold them as a collective instead of individually. A workers’ collective was formed with each person working the belt being offered the chance to join. The entry stake was high, but not impossible to reach and those who couldn’t afford it immediately put aside every spare but of currency earned to be able to one day afford it. Those who can afford the full stake are able to join as full members with voting rights. Those who can’t afford it yet can become associate members as long as they make use of CWC facilities and agree not to make any independent trades. The cost of living means it often takes decades for someone to earn their full stake but those who come out to the Belt to work aren’t afraid of hard work under dangerous conditions.

Due to the dangers of living in what is essentially a tin can exposed to space on most sides with the atmosphere and power provided by equipment decades out of date and vastly overworked, clothing tends toward the practical on Ceres. Utility suits which can be quickly sealed for low atmosphere and breathing masks with an internal oxygen supply are essentially considered mandatory for those who can’t afford better gear. The people who live and work there are often marked in the manner of their work, with stains from spilled coolants, ore dust, and fuel being common. The Pinterest board I put together for the CWC is here: https://pin.it/adfkwftv2j7ogw

The first game of No Heaven is intended to take place on the Ceres colony shortly after the aliens enter the Sol system. Those who could afford to purchase transport away have already left (or been left behind) and those who remain on station have few choices on what to do next. Some of the mining rigs have been left behind, but they’re slow and trying to evade warships in one isn’t going to go well. The best choice seems to be the emergency shelters nestled in the rocky core of Ceres, remnants of old mining tunnels converted into long term storage. What will happen to the colony? What will happen to those left behind? You’ll have six hours to find out.

No Heaven prelude 1 “Ceres” is intended to be run in early 2020 in Bravo One, Birmingham. Further details regarding character archetypes, dates, cost, catering, and so on are being worked out and will be made available as soon as possible.

Incoming Hostiles

You were asleep when the alarms started going off. Pure instinct had your hands grasping for the mask before you were even fully awake. Clawing your way out of bed, you land heavily on the steel floor below, the impact only slightly lessened by the low gravity. Tired fingers brought up the status report on your display. Not an environment breach, but incoming hostiles.

**Перейти в ближайший приют**
**Go to the nearest shelter**

These alarms were meant for environment breaches. The discovery of an alien race hellbent on wiping us out meant they’d had to amend the protocols to include other hazards. There’d be environment breaches soon enough though. Ceres station wasn’t designed to take an attack, and the only reason the shelters provided any protection was they were deep inside the asteroid.

You had to force your door open, the faulty actuator obviously picking this moment to have a bad day. As you rushed to the shelter in the crowds, you were able to pick up the tell-tale vibrations as every ship docked at Ceres began to undock and leave. You’ll have to take your chances underground, you couldn’t find a place on one of the ships for you – only for your daughter. You hope she’s on one of those now, getting away from Ceres and towards somewhere a little safer.

Time to end the radio silence. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last few months about the format I want to use for this LRP, and frankly the one thing I’m sure of is that I’m not ready to run a full-weekend event. I don’t have the team, I don’t have the infrastructure, and I don’t have the time to dedicate to it to do it solo.

But that doesn’t mean I won’t be running events. I need to start shopping around for a venue and see if I can’t get some people to assist me, but what I would like to do is start a little earlier in the timeline than the original game setting implied. Rather than start off with the ragtag fleet on the run, I want to roleplay through some of the drama that happened to the populace who couldn’t make it out of the Sol system.

Whether it’s those left behind on Ceres waiting in the shelters to see if they survive, or the colony workers who first fell prey to them, or the crew of a starship desperately fighting them off… there are plenty of stories to be told and I would like to spend some time telling them.

If you’re interested in helping tell these stories, join us in our new Facebook community. I look forward to seeing what you have to add.


Quick Update

The system document is currently on version 0.2.1. Proofreaders welcome.

There will definitely be no mainline event in 2018 as I am running an event for another system in Autumn.

More setting information will likely come when the crush of real life quietens down a bit – several major projects at work, closing down a private club, and a slew of LRP events as a player has collectively eaten all of my free time recently.

I am hoping to get things back on track *soon*.

Thanks for following along so far!

– Yoda

Checking the rules

It’s an interesting moment when you check your own rules and realise there are a number of assumptions you’ve made and thus not thought to write down.

Such as assuming that Strikedown, Shatter, and Cleave are all calls that anyone would recognise.

Version 0.2.0 of the rules now has several of those assumptions corrected. If anyone would like to help identify more holes in the rules, you can get early access to the current ruleset by contacting the Facebook page.

Breaking radio silence

Perhaps it is time to break the radio silence.

There are still many things to resolve before we go back into active operations, but one thing that has been getting worked on is the system document, which is now at version 0.1.2.

If you are interested in previewing the system document, and assisting with the early stages of development, get in touch by messaging the Facebook page.

Regarding events, it is looking unlikely that a full event will happen in 2018 due to other commitments within the team, but as soon as there is any news on that front, we will inform you immediately.

Thanks for your interest!

Addressing the radio silence

It’s been quiet here of late, and some of that is due to simply being busy. Since the last post, I’ve had a major fest and run two other events in quick succession1one the weekend after the other, starting two weeks after said major fest. Just that in itself is quite enough to explain why we’ve not been updating – we’ve been busy and frankly I needed some downtime.

We have been working on the system and some other aspects of the game, and that is actually one of the major reasons I’m not quite up to posting more stuff about the game at the moment.

I’m quite sanguine about where the system is, and I’m relatively confident I could get the required fluff written up so that people can start planning what they might want to do, but there are still some other concerns which are making me consider what I want to be doing with this game.

More to the point, they are making me reconsider whether I want to continue with the project in its current format. So I’m going to be taking more time to think about it, and while I will come back to write an update, I don’t know how long it’ll be before that happens at this time.

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    one the weekend after the other, starting two weeks after said major fest